Headquarters: Tel Aviv, Israel
Investor Relations: Peggy Reilly Tharp / 1-314-983-7665 / Peggy.ReillyTharp@icl-group.com

Israel Chemicals Ltd.
Chemicals & Material Sciences
Year Founded
Exchange / Symbol
Public Since
Chief Executive Officer
Chairman of the Board
Chief Financial Officer
Insider Ownership
Key Investors
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Investment Bankers
Law Firms
In the CEOs Own Words
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Proudest Accomplishment
Next Milestone
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Growth Headwinds
Indicia of Customer Satisfaction
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Research and Development
Patent Count
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Greatest Concern
Company Reports and Communications
SEC Filings
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Open Questions to Management
How are transportation costs affecting your business? When might the transportation situation ease for ICL?
Is ICL Group developing microbes or plant-based fertilizer-type products to deliver nutrients to crops?
What is the breakdown of your fertilizers in terms of being nitrogen-, potash- or phosphorus-based?
Europe has adopted a Farm to Fork strategy that aims to reduce fertilizer by 20% by 2030? How problematic is this, and similar, initiatives for ICL Group?
Fertilizer is underused in Africa? Is Africa a fertile market for ICL's fertilizer? If so, how is ICL approaching the African market?